Hi my name is Mike Weening! I would like to welcome you to my Father's Rights self help website. First of all you should know that I am an 30 year Fathers rights legal advocate and political activist. I live breathe and sleep Fathers Rights! I created this website in 1995 with the sole intention of helping Father's nationwide resolve there family law problems and we have been very successful in doing so. That said I would presume that most of you have come to this website because you are experiencing a family law problem of one sort or another. You may even be the new wife, girlfriend, sister, parent or grandparent of a man seeking help and information. Regardless, let me assure you that you have come to the right place.
Some of you may have recently been served with divorce papers or are considering filing for divorce. Many of you were never married to the mothers of your children and are simply looking for answers and guidance on establishing your parental rights. Some of you may need self help information on modifying a child support order; others may be experiencing problems with your children's mother in that she is denying you contact with your children or refuses to abide by the current court order. Some may be facing false allegations of domestic violence in which a restraining order has been issued. Some have even been threatened that the mother intends to move away to another state with your children. Again, whatever your Fathers rights legal issues may be, we have the answers and self help information that you need!
You can begin your self help search for information by reading our free reports. They are motivating and inspirational and include discussion of my own personal Fathers rights legal background and journey from failure to success. These reports are inspirational and educational and designed to get the reader to take action. When finished with the free reports click on the different subjects such as divorce, custody, child support, visitation, move-away, contempt of court, restraining orders and child support enforcement. This self help information will identify your specific problems and explain what information and self help services are available through this website.
At the heart of the self help information and services we provide is a book I wrote in 1995 called the Fathers Rights Survival Guide. It was the first book on the subject of Fathers Rights to be admitted into the Library of Congress. The information in the guide has been reviewed and recommended by Family Court Judges, Attorneys, District Attorneys, Child Support Enforcement officers, Mediators, Friends of the Court, Family Psychiatrist and therapist, Child Protective Services and thousands of American Fathers! This is the original book that has now sold over 170,000 copies. It has 9 sections that include every family law subject. Just click on the Father's Rights Survival Guide banner at the bottom of the home page and learn how you can obtain the most powerful fathers rights self help information available.
Now this is where things really get good! When you have finished reading about the Father's Rights Survival Guide click on the Advocate Plan icon in the menu bar and learn how you can really take your case to the next level. The Advocate Plans are a personal and affective self help learning tool where you learn how to navigate your case through the family court. Frankly speaking, in all the years I have been advocating for Fathers Rights self help I have never seen or heard of any self help information or service that has been so effective in resolving Fathers rights legal issues. It simply doesn't get any better than this!
Finally, I receive over 500 e-mails per day from Father's and concerned family members residing all over the United States and many foreign countries seeking self help information. In the e-mails I am often asked: how do I know for sure your service and information will work for me? What is your success rate? How do I know this is not just another internet gimmick? Do you have any references? These are all excellent questions and deserve to be answered. You might also be wondering if our self help services and information will work in your State and County. You may even be uneasy about our service because you don't really know who we are and what we do! That said, I am going to ask that you give me 5 minutes to answer these questions in 3 easy steps.
Step #1: First, (Most Important) I would like for you to check me out personally on the web. My personal Fathers rights journey, advocacy, awards, speeches, reports, articles, legal education, Wikipedia references, Fathers rights legal cases, it's all there on the web! Choose any search engine you like. Simply type in my name in the search bar: Mike L. Weening. Again, when you're finished come back to this page for Step #2.
Step #2: Second, click on the link below and read our Customer Comments and Success Stories. These comments are directly from our clients. We have not edited or changed the comments in any way.
Step #3: Third, check out our 23 year A+
rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Great! Thanks for taking the time to complete the 3 steps! I hope this 3 step credibility and reputation test has answered your questions and resolved any concerns you might have.
Here is the point: The web information, my professional history, A+ BBB rating, the verifiable customer success stories and the information on this entire site could not possibly be true if we were not able to do EXACTLY as we have stated.
As I stated in the beginning, I live, breathe and sleep Fathers rights 24/7. Wherefore, I am dedicated to helping Fathers everywhere resolve their family law issues successfully through self help. So please take the time to click on the various subjects and articles and learn as much as you can and when you're finished I hope that you will take advantage of the self help information available. Again thank you for visiting our site and I hope to hear from soon!
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